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By popular demand (2 whole people!), I've added the ability to save and share the queries you build on the "Matches" page. As you modify the filters, columns, or page size, you will notice that the URL of your browser will update. That URL will now contain all the data anyone would need to run the exact same query at a later date, so you can share it with your friends or bookmark it in your browser for later.

Let's walk through a quick example. I use a specific gametype to do my warmups, and I like to be able to see my progress (or lack thereof) over time. I need a query that shows me all my games of that gametype, so I set up a filter for matches played with that Game Variant.

Bot FFA Training Filter

The URL in my browser now contains a whole mess of characters that represent this particular filter. The relevant part will look something like: &filters=%7B%22and%22%3A%5B%7B%22%3D%3D%22%3A%5B%7B%22var%22%3A%22Game+Variant%22%7D%2C%22Bot+FFA+Training%22%5D%7D%5D%7D

Now I want to share a column layout. The "Shyway's Bot Training" preset (relevant Shyway video) is a good start, but I'd like to make a few tweaks to it. First I select the preset from the Column options to use it as a starting point.

Shyway's Bot Training Preset

Then I flip the preset to "Custom". This gives you all of the columns of whatever preset you were just on, but now you can modify them to suit your needs. Personal preference, there are a few columns in the preset that I don't care about, and I'd like to add a few that are important to me. I'm going to drop Deaths, Assists, and Damage Taken, swap Kills and Damage for their 'per minute' counterparts, and add the Duration column so I know if I cut a warmup short.

Custom Bot Training

Our URL will now contain a bunch of numbers that describe the column layout I've selected. In this case, it looks like so: &columns=11641134627437484456082978756924276810 Fun fact, there are currently 193 different columns you can activate, and that jumble of numbers can represent any combination you choose. There are 2193 possibilities to choose from!

Query's looking good. I'll be on the HCS circuit in no time (I hear Complexity might have a roster slot open).

Note that query URLs are inherently tied to whatever gamertag you're currently querying. If you share the query with someone else, it'll load up whatever gamertag you were looking at when you ran the query, so if someone wants to run the query for their account instead, they'll need to change the gamertag once the page loads.